Monthly Archives: January 2012

Double Celebration

It’s true that one cannot predict the future and no one can assume what will happen in the next few years. I, myself – and I guess some of my/our friends thought that I will be the first to get married and I will be the first to get pregnant – to Maw – but […]

My Greatest Friends!

They say that in every road you take, you’ll meet someone who will hold your hands and take those journeys with you. I have lots of friends whom I cherish so much. Most of them I met when I was elementary, some are those from high school and college and some I met when I […]

Yay! yay! :)

Ta-daaa! Ok, i don’t want to delete or to change the title ’cause i actually have nothing to say today. I just wanna welcome myself on wordpress and i do hope that i will only share inspirational stories, learning and experience to everyone who will/can access this  page. Yay! yay! Happy Blogging everyone! 🙂